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weet je....een tijd terug kreeg ik naar mijn hoofd geslingerd..

"weet je?, zoek het maar uit"

kan je melden dat is niet leuk..je gaat er harder door werken.

Originally posted by: Lenie
weet je....een tijd terug kreeg ik naar mijn hoofd geslingerd..
"weet je?, zoek het maar uit"

kan je melden dat is niet leuk..je gaat er harder door werken.quote>

ik snap het niet

We all have our plans, our intentions, things that we're working towards, and that we hope to accomplish. But some of the absolute best gifts in my life have come out of those times when my plan got turned totally on its head. In those moments when everything comes to a screeching halt (or sometimes it's a slow burn), it can be scary and confusing, and it's natural for feelings of anger, frustrati......on, and resentment to emerge. The "WHY is this happening??" comes out. Once as I was driving, I saw a man literally shaking his fist at the sky and I wanted to get out and give him a hug. (But he was screaming and flailing, and I wasn't entirely sure he wasn't on drugs ;)). So, I just sent him love and thought, "I get it, brother, I truly do." We are tiny humans, drops of water in a huge ocean, and sometimes it's so hard to understand what is afoot. But I've been through it enough times to realize that sometimes the very best, most liberating and fearless thing you can do, is give up your plan, throw it to the wind. Adjust to a new set of circumstances, chart a new course, and trust that something amazing is at play. There may be pain and anguish on the path toward amazing, but if you can walk that path with a tiny little smile on your face, and an easy gait even if the terrain is a little rough, it's a lot better than scrambling to hold onto something that is no longer there, or trying to control circumstances. We get attached to our plans sometimes, and we fail to recognize that a new doorway has opened, that we are perhaps, capable of so much more than we dreamed, and that if we could only trust, surrender, open and breathe, the path would open. And it's good to remember what God said, there are many times when: "The obstacle is the path." Sending you LOVE on your journey!


"Om ergens te komen hoeven we maar een simpele stap te doen

en die zo vaak als nodig te herhalen."

Mario Garcia, Cubaans-Amerikaans journalist (1947).


"Vaardigheid is wat je kunt doen. Motivatie bepaalt wat je doet.

Houding bepaalt hoe goed je het doet."

Raymond Thornton Chandler, Amerikaans detective schrijver (1888-1959).

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