The stranger asked about the pictures in the room below. "Ah! you saw them? they are my father and my dear mother: the picture of my father is very good: that of my mother is not nearly so striking - not so sweet, strong, benign, as she was in life." The stranger said: "Your life has been very various?" W. slowly: "Yes: in a sense I have had a varied life: if having very bitter enemies and friends very sweet - a good taste of both - is variety, then I have had it." The stranger had a couple of copies of L. of G. He asked W. to sign them. One of them was old. "I got it in a secondhand bookstore in Boston." W. said yes, he would put his name in them. I dipped his pen in ink and handed it to him. He asked the other fellow: "Where shall I sign?" After patient searches among his papers, turned up a loose copy of the title-page portrait, which he handed to the visitor: "I'll give you that" - then reaching for it again: "But let me put my !! WaLt whitman! Welkom back Cathy!!