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zondag 27 november


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Other people will only really know and understand you to the extent that you let them. If you expect people to be able to read your mind, you'll be disappointed. If you push down the stuff you think is undesirable or "ugly" or "wrong", you'll feel alone for sure. Knowing yourself is at the core of any spiritual practice. That's a gift, an unfolding that you experience yourself, but also something ...you (hopefully) share with all the people in your life. And it's also what brings inner peace. Knowing what is true for you, what lights you up and what brings you down, knowing your strengths and your areas that need some work and attention, knowing the places within you that need some healing and compassion, understanding what you want, are all ways you also begin to understand how you can lift up the people around you. We are all spreading energy wherever we go, and knowing yourself is the clearest way to be accountable for the energy you're spreading. Know yourself and share yourself so you feel seen and heard and understood and connected to the people around you. If you edit, and push things down, and wrap everything in neat little status updates, how can anyone ever understand your heart and experience your soul? Not everyone will dig it, but you'll find the people who do. We are all part of something beautiful, and we can all contribute to that love in our own beautiful way. Let it out, shine it out, be fearless and be vulnerable. Trust that you are made of love, and realize the world needs more of it. Let some out today, why don't you?

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