Ziza Geplaatst 16 december 2007 Rapport Geplaatst 16 december 2007 SHIT HAPPENS in various world religionsTAOISM: Shit happens.CONFUCIANISM: Confucius say, "Shit happens".ZEN: (What is the sound of shit happening?)JESUITISM: If shit happens and when nobody is watching, is it really shit?ISLAM: Shit happens if it is the will of Allah.COMMUNISM. Equal shit happens to all people.CATHOLICISM: Shit happens because you are bad.PSYCHOANALYSIS: Shit happens because of your toilet training.SCIENTOLOGY: Shit happens if you're on our shit list.ZOROASTRIANISM: Bad shit happens, and good shit happens.UNITARIANISM: Maybe shit happens. Let's have coffee and donuts.RIGHT-WING PROTESTANTISM: Let this shit happen to someone else.JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen to US?REFORM JUDAISM: Got any Kaopectate?MYSTICISM: What weird shit!AGNOSTICISM: What is this shit?ATHEISM: I don't believe this shit!NIHILISM: Who needs this shit?AZTEC: Cut out this shit!QUAKER: Let's not fight over this shit.FORTEANISM: No shit??12-STEP: I am powerless to cut the shit.VOODOO: Hey, that shit looks just like you!NEWAGE: Visualize shit not happening.DEISM: Shit just happens.EXISTENTIALISM: Shit doesn't happen; shit is.SECULAR HUMANISM: Shit evolves.CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Shit is in your mind.BUDDHISM: Shit happens, but pay no mind.SHINTOISM: Shit is everywhere.HINDUISM: This shit has happened before.WICCA: Mix this shit together and make it happen!HASIDISM: Shit never happens the same way twice.THEOSOPHY: You don't know half of the shit that happens.DIANETICS: Your mother gave you shit before your were born.SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST: No shit on Saturdays.JEHOVAH's WITNESSES: No shit happens until Armageddon.MOONIES: Only happy shit really happens.HOPI: Corn fertilizer happens.BAHA'I: It's all the same shit.STOICISM: This shit is good for me.OBJECTIVISM: Our shit is good for you.EST: If my shit bothers you, that's your fault.REAGANISM: Don't move; the shit will trickle down.CARGO CULT: A barge will come and take all the shit away.EMACS: Hold down Control-Meta-Shit.DISCORDIANISM: Some funny shit happened to me today.RASTAFARIANISM: Let's smoke this shit.CHARISMATIC: This is not shit and it doesn't smell bad.MASONIC: Shit happens, but we can't discuss it during Lodge.RED CROSS: Shit happens - send money.
safidepafi Geplaatst 16 december 2007 Rapport Geplaatst 16 december 2007 hahahaha..Ziza dat is al een oudje maar hij blijft leuk!
Kaia Geplaatst 16 december 2007 Rapport Geplaatst 16 december 2007 ALCOHOLISM: today we don't use this shit! Let's share those thoughts on STB
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