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The general guideline is to not exceed a 5-10% reduction of the current dose every 2-4 weeks.


Sensitive patients may benefit from evenly dividing their dose and taking it 2 or 3 times per day.
Taper VERY SLOWLY. I started dropping 1 mg every week, sometimes I held at that dose for a few months. It’s been nearly a year and I am now at 2mg. I talked to a very good pharmacist and we laid out a plan that I would go off of 1/8 of a mg every 3 weeks now.
just go very very slow. I’m on .25 once a day. Was on .5 once a day. It’s been hard to get below .25 due to challenge cutting the pill down evenly. I’m trying to shave off a small amount with an emery board, like running the file once or twice over the pill and holding at that dose for a month. It takes 4 days to 2 weeks to feel symptoms, so hold for at least 2 weeks at a reduced dose. More if you’re still feeling poor. The last reductions can be harder, so may have to hold longer. I’ve never taken twice a day. But probably? Start with one of the doses, reduce slightly, hold, then reduce the other dose and hold etc. It takes time.
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